TT7300 Rotary Diesel UPS from 500 kW up to 40 MW
Times Top is rotary Diesel UPS systems of the patented Times Top type represent the most efficient and reliable power supply combination for critical applications.
The design flexibility of the TT+ is unique for a UPS system, it can be used to address low and medium voltage applications, cooling can be by air or chilled water, critical and emergency supplies can be isolated or combined in a single distribution system. Diesel start delay can be varied from seconds to minutes and multiple engine designs can be accommodated.
The Times Top Diesel Rotary UPS combines all the benefits of a rotary UPS with a Diesel engine in one integrated unit and can work with all brands of Diesel engine used for UPS applications. The Times Top is available either with flywheel or battery backed ride-through.
Single machines sized 500 kW up to 2700 kW can be paralleled in standard or IP-Bus configurations for redundancy and added capacity.
- Rotary UPS from 500 kW up to 40 MW
- Highest reliability
- Highest efficiency, up to 97%
- Total Design Flexibility
- Medium voltage option available
- Water cooling available using building chilled water
- Battery- or flywheel backed versions
- More than 3 times longer bridging time from Times Top kinetic energy storage than with any other commercially available flywheel system
- Redundant on-board power supplies
- Leading and lagging output power factor without derating
- 100% load step capability
- Inherent fault clearing ability for short circuit faults without bypass
- Virtual unity input power factor
- 99% input/output harmonic isolation